Category: Science Themed Bakes

All Recipes, Science Themed Bakes

Lichen Cream Puffs

One of my favorite baking projects for my magical mushrooms class was based on lichen week. Lichen is made up of a symbiosis (an interaction) between fungus, algae, and from a recent discovery yeast is also involved. Lichen can grow in harsh environments and comes in many forms. In class, we brought in samples of […]

All Recipes, Science Themed Bakes

Meringue Mushrooms

This year I was a TA (teaching assistant) for a class at Cornell called Magical Mushrooms and Mischievous Molds. Its one of the largest classes at Cornell with over 300 people enrolled and is a popular way for non science majors to fulfill a science requirement. I taught the course last year as well including […]